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Testimonials from clients


I have been training with Erik Evans now for almost two years. He had been one of my Pilates instructors for a few years. When we started personal training,I considered myself to be in fairly good shape for my age. However One Pilates class, Erik mentioned the latest 60 day challenge , something I had ignored for years . I decided that I would give it a try , having recently been given medical advice to lose a little weight . I had lost 5 pounds on my own, and my goal was to lose another 5 pounds. At 66,my fitness goal was no more than maintaining. We started with weekly training sessions ,which have really increased my strength and ,most importantly ,how well I feel. Each session was tracked with an app and included pictured illustrations that I could follow and actually do on my own on the rare occasions I had the time and self discipline to do so. Erik also got me started with a fitness app to better track my diet ,which was already reasonably healthy. Primarily, he encouraged me to increase my protein intake including the vegan protein powder and branch -chain amino acids. I actually ended up losing another 10 pounds and have stayed at around 115 pounds for well more than a year , quite a bit down from my high of 130 two years ago and suddenly needed to wear belts.While I no longer regularly use the meal tracker ,I have increased my protein intake. The weight loss was great, but the far greater incentive for me to keep at regular personal training is because of how much better I feel thanks to Erik.

— Christie E

Since the day I walked in the door and was first introduced to Erik I could tell what a kind and great soul he was. Erik always made sure to be a great listener and he simply felt like a friend right away. He paid close attention to me and my style and always gave great advice on what routines/activities and coaches would best suit my personal trajectory into fitness. Last year Erik took another position downtown. He still checks in to say hi and asks how I'm doing or congratulates me on an advancement to this day. This shows his sincerity and dedication to being a lifetime coach/trainer!

— aaron h.

Having Erik as my personal trainer twice/week for over 4 years is one of the best investments I have ever made. Erik's customized training programs for me gradually brought me from ok to poor physical condition to fantastic physical condition within the first year. After 4 years working with Erik I have better strength and stamina at 62 years old than I did 30 years ago. Erik is a great trainer who truly cares about his clients, I highly recommend him!

— dave b.

Having Erik as my personal trainer twice/week for over 4 years is one of the best investments I have ever made. Erik's customized training programs for me gradually brought me from ok to poor physical condition to fantastic physical condition within the first year. After 4 years working with Erik I have better strength and stamina at 62 years old than I did 30 years ago. Erik is a great trainer who truly cares about his clients, I highly recommend him!

— Dave b.

Erik is simply the best trainer I have ever worked with! The reason? He has a holistic approach, and helps you not only with the physical aspects of training, but he also has substantial knowledge about how neurology/brain function, hormones, emotion, and nutrition can affect your training goals. He customized my training plan based on all of these factors. Most importantly, he is very compassionate, and wants what is best for you. I always felt that Erik supported me, cared about me and was happy for me when I progressed in my training program--and encouraged me when I was struggling to make progress.

— mary o.

We have worked with Erik for a number of years in Pilates and on the exercise floor. We've tried group classes and several other trainers and without any hesitation we can say that Erik is in an entirely different league. He takes his job very seriously. He carefully considers the needs of each individual client and always comes prepared with specific plans. He encourages people to push themselves, but watches carefully to avoid injury. He keeps the routines varied and interesting, always instructing on the importance of proper form. He is also able to think creatively. We had a number of sessions with him as a couple, and while our specific needs are quite different, he was to come up with a program that was beneficial to both. Finally, he is calm, funny, interesting, engaging, committed to his calling and his clients. Erik makes a difference.

— Alexander and Katerina K.

What a gift it is to work with Erik! He listens well, helps you create realistic goals, and uses the most current information, equipment and techniques to personalize your program. He’s attentive to form and encourages your personal best while supporting you with consistency. His great sense of humor and interpersonal skills make working with Erik fun! Want to change your life? Work with Erik.

— Penne s.

Working with Erik is life-changing! He listens well and helps you set realistic goals for ultimate fitness and wellness. With professional expertise, he coaches you through carefully designed workouts adjusting form for maximum effectiveness, and giving encouragement for you to attain your personal best. Expertise, experience, and exceptional training with Erik!

— penelope r.

Erik is amazing! I had a few struggles with unusual health issues and he worked alongside me to help me overcome the side effects and to keep me on track with my goals. He researched what I was dealing with to understand my issues as well as finding methods that would support my overall well-being. He is very good at getting to know his clients and works with their strengths and weaknesses. I have referred family and friends to him and will continue to do so!

— P.A.

Erik is one of my favorite trainers. I have known and worked (trained) with Erik since about 2013. I learned a lot from Erik since my first days in the club. I learned about nutrition, metabolic rates, strength training, and so much more. His calm demeanor and encouraging style work very well for me. His small group training sessions were my favorite. I may be a little biased, but I loved all the workout routines he had us do! ;) Erik has since become a personal friend. Not only is he an excellent trainer, but also a great human being. I highly recommend him.

— Natasha s.

I’ve worked with Erik for several years. I first met him when he was teaching a Pilates class. I was very impressed and went on to work with him in a small group fitness program that combined strength training and cardiovascular fitness. I’ve worked with many trainers and he’s the best. Erik encourages you to give your all. Yet he respects the needs and limits of each person on each day. He’s not only very knowledgeable about fitness but he also provides excellent information regarding nutrition. He is a great coach, he uses positive reinforcement to encourage results from each client.

— kathy s.

I have been a longtime colleague of Erik's. Erik has a broad base of education as he dedicated himself to learn various forms of exercise strategies. It is with this knowledge that he is able to help many people with their fitness goals. He pays attention to details to maximize the safety and effectiveness of the training he delivers to clients. Most importantly he cares about doing a good job. Anyone who chooses to use his services will see steady progression for the long term and have a safe enjoyable journey along the way.

— John r.

Erik is a good, caring, paying attention to detail person. He’s very focused and gives people what they need. Great listener and wants to help people get to where they want to be. He has helped me tremendously with sticking to exercise and strengthening my body and spirit. I can’t thank him enough. He is a great person to have in your corner and will lift up your business. 

— lisa s.


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